"But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 4:29)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Back in Business"

Sorry it's been a while...very long, long while! I've been w/o a computer! But now, thanks to my super-techie brother, I have an improved version of my old computer! Yay Bubba!
I'm loving and cherishing this picture...it's a picture of my Grandma Marjorie Baecker. She passed away about a month ago...This is the only time she got to hold or see Eden. I miss you Grandma & I'll see you in Heaven!

So, here we are, in the heat (well, not quite) of the summer...and enjoying it thoroughly...okay. That's a lie! Eden has recently hit a tantrum stage...!? I'm not sure why, all of the sudden. Just in the last few weeks. So, we're trying to nip that in the bud before I'm having to 'discipline' my toddler while nursing a newborn!

And on that note, IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wyatt Lee will join his big sister sometime this fall. The doctor says Nov. 12, but my sonogram showed him 2 1/2 oz. bigger than he should be...so "I" think (b/c I went to the medical school of Buckner...) he'll be ready to join us sometime in mid October...we'll see!

Eden is super lovey...gives my belly kisses & talks about how she's going to change poopy diapers! Ha!