"But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 4:29)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year

...and happy car hunting! AAAGGGHHHHH! ICK and ICK! Praise the Lord for His grace while enduring car shopping. Usually, it's the car sales people that give me anxiety but this time around, it's not being able to find the car that we want! But, the Lord has His timing, His car for us, and prayerfully, a buyer (quickly) for the motorcycle for us. Car dealerships, this time of year will give you a good laugh instead of a decent trade in value for a bike. Oh well; on another note, Eden is growing each day. Physically, she's getting the Baecker-Brooks long legged inseam, she's very active (taking tumbling lessons and loves it), loves animals of all kinds, and will rough-house without a second thought with someone twice as big and old as she! Spiritually, she's memorizing more and more scripture. We're praying that she'll personalize a relationship with her Saviour at an early age. She knows that her "mission in life" is to please God! She's VERY funny and VERY smart! We were on our way home from church last night and she stuck her foot up and said, "Momma, love on my foot!" What a hoot! We miss you all!