"But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 4:29)

Friday, April 11, 2008


So, what can I say...I'm not updating as much as I'd like these days! Some of you know why! I'd rather be sleeping during Eden's naptime rather than playing on the computer! It just sounds more appealing to my mind and body for some reason!!! Hmmmm....?

So, Eden started taking ballet 2 weeks ago this past Monday. And, may I say she LOVES it! She does 15 minutes of tap, 15 minutes of ballet (her favorite), and 30 minutes of gymnastics (tumbling on mats, working the balance beam, and swinging and flipping around on the uneven parallel bars like a maniac)!

I saw an ad several months ago in a 'sample' paper that was thrown & it was for Claudia's School of Dance. Below her telephone number, she has a verse from Ecclesiastes quoted. So, I called (Jason and I had been talking about starting her in ballet or something similar this spring) and asked her about music, her Christianity, let her know Eden is being raised for the Lord, and questioned her views on a few things. After going that evening to watch a class, we enrolled! Eden was a bit timid & OVERWHELMED at the start of tap, but by ballet & gymnastics, she was the class goof-off & impressing her teachers with her ability & comprehension! She's the youngest of all of the students (total in the studio, and youngest by almost 2 years in her class of 6 or so).

It's a real treat to watch her & those of you in MO will get to see her put on a recital with her class mates & the "older kids" at Santa-Cala-Gon this summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Eden is having a blast! What I wouldn't give to be flexible like that again! ;)

Sooooooo.... is this tiredness due to something that will be "due"????