"But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 4:29)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wyatt & Christmas

Wyatt Lee Brooks arrived Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ 5:43 p.m. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Both the attending nurse and the delivering doctor delivered both Eden & Wyatt. Labor and delivery were great for both! I have NO idea how any parent, especially a stay at home parent, of multiple children, has ANY time to do anything other than feed themselves on any given day! These days, a shower is a special treat!!! He's now 8 weeks old & growing, growing, growing!

My dad, Trista, and sister Alyssa came up on the 23rd to spend Christmas in the North Pole! Then, it decided to be a sweltering 67 degrees the day after Christmas! Eden enjoyed opening presents and Wyatt slept through the entire thing! I also got the very merriest Christmas present ever...Wyatt slept an entire 5 straight, uninterrupted hours on Christmas eve night! And, the next night too!!!

Wyatt has a 2 month well baby visit on January 6th & there's a pool going on for his weight. Since he went from 7 lbs at 2 weeks to 9 1/2 lbs at one month, we're thinking he might just be 13 lbs by his 2 month well visit! We'll see!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 27, 2008


...the faith of a little child...Eden has been asking constant, eternally minded questions since the middle of this summer. Even trivial things like, "Mommy, does God have a potty in heaven?" and "will I see Teta in heaven?" So, Jason and I have been faithfully doing devotions with her and praying that she would realize her own need for Jesus as her personal Saviour. All last week, we did devotions on Adam & Eve, sin, and the Garden of Eden and this past week, we did devotions on what heaven will be like & who can and cannot go to heaven. So, Friday, I'm standing in the kitchen peeling an onion (getting meals ready for the freezer in preparation for Wyatt's birth & homecoming) and I hear "Amen." I turn around & see my sweet face standing in the middle of the dining room (open to the kitchen) with her eyes closed, her head bowed, and her little hands folded. I said, "oh, sweetie, what were you praying about?" and Eden says, "I prayed Jesus into my heart!!!!!" Oh my word! I dropped the onion & immediately went to her & asked her if He came into her heart, why she needed to have Him in her heart, and what kind of heart she had (sinner's heart). What a PRAISE!!!! And, God's PERFECT & MIRACULOUS timing! Please continue to pray that Jason and I will be faithful in spiritually feeding our precious little girl! Praise His Name!!!! "Thank you God, for sending your son, Jesus, to die for my sins, Eden's sins, and the sins of the entire world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Countdown to baby "Wy"

Well, I guess you could say I nested today? Or Jason nested for me...? Probably more like the latter. Lawn was mowed, carpet vacuumed, the window above our front door (that's probably never, or at least not since it was built in '05) was cleaned, the ceiling fans were "de-summerized" (yuck, white ceiling fans show so much summer dust)! Laundry, hmmm, what else...patched nail holes where pictures are being moved/rearranged!

Poor J, right? Not to mention (yes, some of you will say, "how cold-hearted" or non-empathetic), Jason has 9 stitches in his right wrist from an accident at work on Thursday. He was carrying x-braces at work and sliced his wrist (not on purpose :-) on some banding that was wrapped around the braces...anyway...blood everywhere and the dr. first thought he may have severed his tendon...praise the Lord he was protected & it wasn't that bad. Just deep! But not deep enough to get that tendon. The tetnus shot he had to get is giving him more problems & pain than the cut!!! Anyway, so I say "boo-hoo, get to work." Just kidding.

Less than 3 weeks until Wyatt makes his appearance into the world...and much to do; not to mention Teta will be here in 16 days!!! Yay; I'm so thankful I'll have help for a few days once we're home from the hospital! Eden's pretty excited too!

Now, if I could just get my hospital bag packed & diapers purchased!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Recovering from Uncle Bubba's visit. Wow, he's a busy guy! We're praising the Lord for a clear biopsy reading from my mom's 3 lumpectomies (sp?). Loving watching my little girl adore her Uncle Bubba! Went to a neighbor's today that has a 2 1/2 month old & seeing Eden interact & "mother hen" the poor thing was toooooooooooo cute. PRICELESS! Missing friends...my Phoenician friends, my best friend in FL (hoping she & her girls don't float away!), and awaiting the arrival of Wyatt Lee!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Here are some pictures from Nebraska. We had a blast at the Omaha Zoo on Friday...amazing zoo!

Then, friends of ours from Phoenix (Staci and Michael...and their 2 little ones Nate & Niah), were visiting Michael's parents in Valentine, NE (where he grew up). Valentine, NE is only 9 miles south of the South Dakota border, FYI. So, we drove up to stay the weekend with them. It was great to see them again! We really miss our Phoenician friends!

Nebraska is so beautiful & so vast! Stunning!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Horse Crazy

I wonder where she gets it? We went to Elizabeth Beal's today. She and I were acquaintances back when I showed horses for Becky. She rode with Kevin & Michelle Jochens (different trainers/barn). Anyway, she's 'small time' like Becky & John were, has similar training and riding background, and is open to having me, the horse-world's version of a soccer mom, for a client.

Jason and I really want Eden to get acquainted early with horses; establish a healthy respect for them and start working on balance exercises. We have a tentative goal of getting Eden and Elizabeth entered at the American Royal for a lead line class this year. We'll see how things go.

Eden was very comfortable around "April" ('her' horse for today). She listened well to Elizabeth and just really had fun. She even told Elizabeth she wanted to "go fast." Just call her Danika (sp?). So, Elizabeth let her trot for 10 or so strides & then Eden wanted to stop! Ha! Not scared, just had enough of a taste.

So, here are some pictures...sorry for the quality; having to make do with what we have for now; still haven't figured out how to get video on here...anybody have any instruction in that area?

We're looking at maybe getting her entered in the American Royal this year for a lead line class...how cute.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Back in Business"

Sorry it's been a while...very long, long while! I've been w/o a computer! But now, thanks to my super-techie brother, I have an improved version of my old computer! Yay Bubba!
I'm loving and cherishing this picture...it's a picture of my Grandma Marjorie Baecker. She passed away about a month ago...This is the only time she got to hold or see Eden. I miss you Grandma & I'll see you in Heaven!

So, here we are, in the heat (well, not quite) of the summer...and enjoying it thoroughly...okay. That's a lie! Eden has recently hit a tantrum stage...!? I'm not sure why, all of the sudden. Just in the last few weeks. So, we're trying to nip that in the bud before I'm having to 'discipline' my toddler while nursing a newborn!

And on that note, IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wyatt Lee will join his big sister sometime this fall. The doctor says Nov. 12, but my sonogram showed him 2 1/2 oz. bigger than he should be...so "I" think (b/c I went to the medical school of Buckner...) he'll be ready to join us sometime in mid October...we'll see!

Eden is super lovey...gives my belly kisses & talks about how she's going to change poopy diapers! Ha!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Brooks Baby #2

Well, actually, number 3, because we have a sweet soul waiting for us in Heaven...

Well, today marks a major milestone for our family. It's 12 weeks of pregnancy & counting! It takes us a while to 'get the word out', as we're very careful & cautious after our losing our first baby & the many complications and risks with Eden's pregnancy...but...we went to the doctor today and the baby's heartbeat is good, loud, and strong--150 bpm!!

We're already enlisted in several precautions by our dr. (whom we LOVE), so please be praying for us:
-that Eden will not pick up on my anxiety & restlessness!
-that I can & WILL obey doctor's orders!
-that I will have patience & tenderness toward both Eden and Jason!
-that this baby will be healthy, safe, and FULL TERM!
-that the Lord will save our children!

And, any of my dear friends that have a baby name book...I'm way behind...by this point with Eden, I knew her name exactly (if she should be a girl...)...but we're at a total loss so far! And, I have NO idea what I did with "my" baby name book!

Eden's so sweet about it too. She'll look at my belly button and say, "I see her!" And she says she'll help change "poopy diapers" but we'll see when it's actually time! Ha! When asked if she wants a baby sister or brother, she says, "no, just a baby."

How cute! Oh, (speaking of cute); the other night...Jason took her potty after we put her to bed (he'd been snacking on popcorn, Eden's favorite treat). She asks, "Daddy, what do you have in your mouth?" Jason says, "nothing." Eden replies, "let me see." Jason opens his mouth and Eden then says, "I can smell popcorn but I don't see any in there." That child does not miss a thing!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Eden!

Mommy loves you! 3 years...and right before my very eyes. Literally. I'm home with her everyday and she's gone from helpless infant (and me a fretting mommy) to "I can do it by myself" (and me "okay, just don't fall off the counter"...or whatever she's climbing on). My, my, how things do change!

Here are some pictures of Eden on her birthday party day (the 19th). We had just a very few friends & family over...Jason grilled dogs & burgers...and we had CHOCOLATE cake, of course! I had to take a picture of Eden in front of the fireplace b/c it was so chilly yesterday morning...and there also a picture of her "just pretending to drive" her new car!

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Famous Folks" Confess Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This song and video will be seen and heard all over the 'secular' airwaves!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brad Paisley & Sara Evans - Thank you!


Friday, April 11, 2008


So, what can I say...I'm not updating as much as I'd like these days! Some of you know why! I'd rather be sleeping during Eden's naptime rather than playing on the computer! It just sounds more appealing to my mind and body for some reason!!! Hmmmm....?

So, Eden started taking ballet 2 weeks ago this past Monday. And, may I say she LOVES it! She does 15 minutes of tap, 15 minutes of ballet (her favorite), and 30 minutes of gymnastics (tumbling on mats, working the balance beam, and swinging and flipping around on the uneven parallel bars like a maniac)!

I saw an ad several months ago in a 'sample' paper that was thrown & it was for Claudia's School of Dance. Below her telephone number, she has a verse from Ecclesiastes quoted. So, I called (Jason and I had been talking about starting her in ballet or something similar this spring) and asked her about music, her Christianity, let her know Eden is being raised for the Lord, and questioned her views on a few things. After going that evening to watch a class, we enrolled! Eden was a bit timid & OVERWHELMED at the start of tap, but by ballet & gymnastics, she was the class goof-off & impressing her teachers with her ability & comprehension! She's the youngest of all of the students (total in the studio, and youngest by almost 2 years in her class of 6 or so).

It's a real treat to watch her & those of you in MO will get to see her put on a recital with her class mates & the "older kids" at Santa-Cala-Gon this summer!

Friday, March 21, 2008

We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

And we brought warmer weather! Our trip was very nice. Eden was MOST excellent on the drive down & home! She really could not have been better...not even a fuss or fit to speak of!!!! We're truly blessed with such an amazing little girl. I'm so thankful!

We spent Monday, the 10th in Corpus Christi, TX with my dad & his wife Trista. We went to a great Mexican place for lunch, then to the Texas State Aquarium (Eden really loved that), the mall briefly for a ride on the carousel w/ Pop, then to The Torch for Telly's shrimp (an old friend of my dad's, Telly, owns this incredible Greek rest.)

We fed the deer almost every day, went down to the "creek beach" to dig in the sand, watched the turkeys and cows, spent hours and hours swinging...

On the 14th, we headed up to San Antonio to eat along the river walk, visit the Alamo, and eat more Mexican food (Mole chicken), and picked up some yummy tamales on the way.

Pop, Eden, and I headed to Magnolia beach on the chiliest day...we walked nice and bundled up...and also got to watch somebody wind surf up close!

I'm only posting a few pics...for now...will post more later.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'll bring Spring back with me!

Well, I've been trying to mentally psych (psyche?) myself up for the 13 1/2 hour drive to TX with just my little one! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! We're praying for travel mercies...safety mostly. I'm sure I'll have a TON of pictures upon our return! Maybe I can bring some warmer weather back with us?

Prayer requests: The Norris family, travel safety, a major decision Jason is facing, raising Eden for the Lord, her salvation, my mom's salvation, other unsaved family memebers-that they might have a softened heart and accept Christ as Saviour! Jason's brother, Chris Brooks, will be deployed March 9th to Kosovo (he'll spend a few months here and there for training first...).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Yesterday, Eden went to her first little Valentine's party at her friend, Madyson Sturgill's house. We had to leave a little early because we had a dr. appt., but, she had fun playing, eating Valentine cookies, and getting a bag of pink and red goodies! Today, we enjoyed a significantly warmer day! It was in the 50s today...and the extended forecast is calling for temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s next Thursday & Friday! Yay!!! Enjoy these pictures from the Valentine's party yesterday...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Summer Love...

I love summer. Today reminds me of how much I love warmth...and how COLD I've been for the last 2 or 3 months! Eden and I headed out to the park this morning around 10 o'clock...because after yesterday's 20 degree rain and hail, it's every bit of 70 + degrees today! We've been outside all day today! The dog was so happy to be out all day, he rolled in poop...like a horse in mud right after a bath! Ick. He can stay outside now! I hope this picture (from last summer) tides us all over until we have some consistent warm weather!

Friday, February 1, 2008

If you don't like the weather today...

it'll change tomorrow. This past Monday, the temperature was 60 + degrees in this area. By Tuesday at noon, Jason called and said the temperature reading on the plaza was -2 degrees! With today being the 1st of February, we're looking forward to WARMER weather...and since that's not looking too promising, we'll skip to the Gulf Coast until the temps up here climb to above 50!
We can hardly believe Eden will be 3 years old in less than 3 months! My, how time goes by. Life truly is a vapor. Am I redeeming the time as I should?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Catch up...

So Eden, while she was praying last night, must've had a revalation! Ha! She's been asking for a brother or sister since this past summer, and has been praying, on and off, for either. Well, last night she prays, "Dear Lord, thank you for my 2 brothers and I want a sister." Well, needless to say, we're not expecting triplets...but you never know what the Lord has for us! Twins do run on both Jason's and my side of the family.

We did finalize everything this past Thursday & now have a 'different' car sitting in our garage. The Explorer was having (still) transmission issues...progressively worse, the bike was still not being ridden (nevermind the sub-zero temperatures), and let's face it, the price of gas is not going down...and SUV's are not exactly fuel efficient. Of course, the day after I drive home, I notice a nice little bunch of rock chips in the front bumper...glad that first "scratch/ding/dent" is out of the way.

Cabin Fever has officially set in and Eden is planning on drivng Mommy and Samson down to Pop and Teta's next month. We're ready for mole, fajitas, "ba-bah-gahnoosh," and polenta. Eden is jazzed about Samson getting chased by the cows. If, that is, I don't "accidentally" leave him at a rest stop along I-35! Well, that's if he goes, of course.

For now, I'll just daydream about the warm Gulf waters (and since I'm daydreaming, I'll make them turquoise blue Gulf waters), walking outside without my parka and earmuffs, and a tan. Watch out Texas, here come the Brooks' girls! Again!
Teta, aren't you proud...I actually read the help page and am navigating & "situating" a little more than I have been! Where's the gold star?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year

...and happy car hunting! AAAGGGHHHHH! ICK and ICK! Praise the Lord for His grace while enduring car shopping. Usually, it's the car sales people that give me anxiety but this time around, it's not being able to find the car that we want! But, the Lord has His timing, His car for us, and prayerfully, a buyer (quickly) for the motorcycle for us. Car dealerships, this time of year will give you a good laugh instead of a decent trade in value for a bike. Oh well; on another note, Eden is growing each day. Physically, she's getting the Baecker-Brooks long legged inseam, she's very active (taking tumbling lessons and loves it), loves animals of all kinds, and will rough-house without a second thought with someone twice as big and old as she! Spiritually, she's memorizing more and more scripture. We're praying that she'll personalize a relationship with her Saviour at an early age. She knows that her "mission in life" is to please God! She's VERY funny and VERY smart! We were on our way home from church last night and she stuck her foot up and said, "Momma, love on my foot!" What a hoot! We miss you all!